Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Kim Kardashian Wigs Out

Just when you thought the only breaking news was the Heidi Montag - Spencer Pratt wedding, along came Kim Kardashian sporting a blond look in the Big Apple.
Whether it was an attempt to steal some of Speidi's spotlight or just a way to get folks to talk about something other than cellulite cover-ups or a certain sunburn situation, however it can't confirm.
But it is known that the reality star twittered about it and later post a pic of the stop-the-presses, headline-making mane.
Then, as if this story couldn't get any more riveting, Kim hopped on her website Monday morning to reveal that—wait for it—her "hair" was nothing more than a wig left over from a photo shoot.
Well, real or not, it does beg the question:

Should Kim actually consider losing her darker 'do in favor of lighter locks?

Friday, May 22, 2009

Dealing with Jealousy Issues

Jealousy is a complex emotion that people can experience from early childhood throughout the rest of their lives. Feelings of jealousy may be either positive or negative. Both the perpetrator and the recipient of jealousy can experience the negative consequences.
The person feeling jealous of another individual commonly denies this emotion. A typical reaction is: "Who, me? I'm not jealous!" Denial of the feeling of jealousy can lead to self-defeating behaviors that others might overlook. So how best should one deal with their jealous behaviors? Can they recieve help?